Membership Application

Membership Application Options
If you wish to join the Rithet’s Bog Conservation Society you may fill in and submit the electronic form on the right side of this page or use the button above the electronic form to print a paper form to complete and mail in.
Membership is for a calendar year, from January 01 to December 31. Membership applications received after November 01 will automatically include membership for the following year.
The annual membership fee is $10.00
Payment can be made by either:
e-Transfer to:
Or a cheque mailed to:
Rithet’s Bog Conservation Society
PO Box 53556 Broadmead RPO
Victoria BC
Canada V8N 5K2.
Privacy Policy
The Rithet’s Bog Conservation Society is a federated club of BC Nature (the Federation of British Columbia Naturalists). By joining our society, you also agree become a member of BC Nature. We must share your contact information with BC Nature but will not share your information with any other third party.