The Saanich Pulling Together Program
Restoration work at Rithet’s Bog is done as part of the Saanich Pulling Together Volunteer Program, which is a program set up by Saanich Municipality to support volunteer ecological restoration work in Saanich natural area parks. Our society works closely with this program, but the actual work in the park falls under the jurisdiction of the Pulling Together program. You do not have to become a member of our society to participate in Pulling Together activities.
This restoration work mostly involves invasive species removal, which is very similar to garden weeding and pruning. It does not require special knowledge or skills. Anyone who can do basic gardening can make a meaningful contribution.
We provide onsite training as necessary. We also provide tools and gloves, but you are welcome to bring a favorite pair of gloves, pruners or loppers. Please wear clothes and footwear suitable for the weather and outdoor work and bring adequate drinking water. Volunteering is open to people of all ages and abilities, however parental supervision is required for volunteers under 16 years of age.
Interested? There are three ways for you to participate in the Pulling Together program:
1. Drop In Volunteer

This option does not require regular attendance, just come whenever you are available. You do not need to register in advance but must sign a Saanich waiver provided on site at your first work party and are expected to follow on site instructions. Experienced volunteers on site will show you what you need to know. This is a good way to test the waters and determine if ecological restoration work is right for you.
2. Restoration Volunteer

Registered Pulling Together Volunteers are eligible for some additional benefits such as periodic training seminars. Becoming a registered volunteer requires a minimum one-year commitment.
If you wish to register, contact Saanich Parks:
Phone: 250-475-5522 or email:
Ask for the Park Stewardship Coordinator
3. Lead Steward

Lead stewards work with Saanich Parks staff to plan, guide, and monitor the restoration activities in their particular park. They lead the volunteer team at their park, direct and supervise at work parties, and welcome and new volunteers. Becoming a lead steward also requires a minimum one-year commitment.
Work Party Notification
1. Email Notification

If you would like to receive email notifications for our ecological restoration work parties, please sign up at the link below. These emails contain the date, time and location of the work party. They also describe the work to be done. They do not involve any commitment to attend an event or work party. We will not share your email with any third parties.
2. Event Calendar

Upcoming events, including Pulling Together volunteer work parties, are posted on our Tockify event calendar on the Home page.