Volunteering at the Rithet’s Bog​

Home » Welcome to Rithet’s Bog » Volunteering at the Rithet’s Bog​

There are two ways to volunteer at Rithet's Bog

You can choose one or both.

The first is to become a member of the Rithet’s Bog Conservation Society and participate in our various educational and restoration initiatives.

The second is to participate in onsite conservation and restoration as part of the Saanich Pulling Together Volunteer Program.

To subscribe to email notification of Pulling Together volunteer work parties and other Rithet’s Bog Conservation Society events, please use the button to the left.  You may unsubscribe at any time.  We will not pass your contact information on to any third parties.

Become a Member of the
Rithet's Bog Conservation Society

A tent in a public area with posters and images on display

Education and Outreach.

Our educational activities involve informing the public about Rithet’s Bog, its ecology and biological diversity, its status as a nature sanctuary and the importance of its wetlands.  We have several activities that contribute to these goals:

  • This website,
  • A display booth for community events,
  • The information kiosk at Rithet’s Bog,
  • Educational brochures,
  • Species checklists and inventories,
  • An iNaturalist biodiversity project, and
  • Field trips and student projects with educational institutions.

Conservation and Restoration.

We also work in cooperation with Saanich Parks and the Pulling Together Volunteer Program to develop restoration and management guidelines for the Rithet’s Bog Conservation Area. The goal of our restoration work is to develop functioning and self sustaining ecosystems that require minimal maintenance.

Volunteer for the
Saanich Pulling Together Program

A group of people in a wetland, working, with houses in the distance

Restoration work at Rithet’s Bog is done as part of the Saanich Pulling Together Volunteer Program, which is a program set up by Saanich Parks to support volunteer ecological restoration work in Saanich natural area parks. Our society works closely with this program, but the actual work in the park falls under the jurisdiction of the Pulling Together program. You do not have to become a member of our society to participate in Pulling Together activities.

This restoration work mostly involves invasive species removal, which is very similar to garden weeding and pruning. It does not require special knowledge or skills. Anyone who can do basic gardening can make a meaningful contribution.

We provide tools and onsite training as necessary.  Volunteering is open to people of all ages and abilities, however parental supervision is required for volunteers under 16 years of age.  Most work parties are drop in.  There is no commitment to attend all events, just come to the ones you are available for.